Monday, November 8, 2010

How to lose a guy in 10 days?

Dating. Such a stressful process.Especially if all your relatives and friends are trying to hook you up with someone when everything you want to do is have some time for yourself and enjoy the little things in life. Blind dates - even worse. Who does that anyway? Oh, wait, I do. I always end up regretting it. So what to do when you are stuck with some boring fellow who accidentally shows up on your front door every day or waits for you outside the office in the lunch break?
1. Go meet his family. Be nice. When the torture is over make some slightly negative but still polite remark about his relationship with his mother. Repeat it every time he gets on your nerves. This one always works,right girls?
2. When out with his friends and they are watching THE game ( any game would do ) - complain or play dumb and ask retarded questions. Cheer for the other team. Bad jokes are always welcome too.
3. Be demanding and make him do anything that comes to mind - your roof is leaking, there's a broken pipe or the bedroom needs to be repainted...
4. Don't you ever, remember this one , EVER cook for him! - in case you decide to make an exception to the rule invite his friends or mum for a dinner and say you've spent hours on this 'Basashi'. While explaining what that means don't forget to mention that it is raw horse meat dipped in soy sauce and often served with ginger and onions.
5. Make him go out with your girlfriends who loooove talking about diapers and poo.Don't forget to point out that you are allergic to baby powder so if you ever have kids together he'll be the one taking care of that.
6. Don't clean the house while 'seeing' him. Leave your clothes all over the place and inform him that vacuuming is not your thing because the sound gives you headaches.

If you follow these simple rules he'll be gone in a blink of an eye and you'll be free to do whatever you want to do in your spare time. Mission accomplished. Single and happy - enjoy.
P.S. Just one more thing though...after not cleaning the house for like 2 weeks you should consider calling professionals to take care of the mess. Make yourself a cup of coffee and search the web for cleaning services while waiting for your nail polish to dry out. *Sigh*. Now things are back to normal.

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